Posts about

climate change

Is Your 'Green' Electricity Tariff All That Green?

Many people, conscious of their impact on the environment, opt for a ‘green’ energy tariff that...

How Does Saving Energy Help the Environment?

Like many others, you’re probably trying hard to reduce your impact on the environment. This might...

Box-Set Binge Tonight? You’d Be Shocked by the Environmental Impact

Conscious of helping the environment, you may have started taking fewer flights and even avoid...

Why the UK Has Declared a Climate Emergency

"Can we all now call it what it is: climate breakdown, climate crisis, climate emergency,...

Is Your Heating Powered by Gas? That's Going to Change

Everyone now realises that they need to cut back on plastic use, drive their car less and take...

The House in a Lab at the Forefront of Energy Efficiency

It’s a regular two-up two-down of the kind you might find in any town or city in England, full of...

Your Role in Creating a Net-Zero UK

Perhaps, like many people, you’re feeling anxious about the environment and your role in protecting...

Getting to Grips With Eco-Anxiety

Do you believe that you, on an individual level, can help stop climate change? Or do you despair...

The UK’s Changing Energy Mix and How It Affects You

In May 2019, the UK went an entire week without using coal to generate electricity. This was the...

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