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For many, managing central heating involves a basic timer combined with a thermostat, allowing you...
As spring brings lighter evenings and warmer weather, it's a good time to rethink your home energy...
If you’re about to head away for a long holiday, you certainly don’t want to be fretting about your...
How much energy are you using in your home right now? Perhaps the washing machine is on. There are...
"The heating of our homes will need to be virtually zero carbon by 2050, replacing natural gas and...
The simple answer is yes, you can charge your electric car for free.
Are you one of those rare, super-efficient people who keeps an eagle-eye on their budgeting and...
Is your energy supplier holding onto your money? While it normally works the other way round, and...
The average home electricity bill in the UK last year was £679. If you paid that sort of energy...
Adding solar panels to your home is a fantastic way to generate your own green energy and reduce...
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