Compare Energy Use: Are You a Big Spender?
All figures and calculations are correct at the time of publication.

Compare Energy Use: Are You a Big Spender?

You may know how much energy your household uses each year, and at what cost. But have you any idea how that compares to other, similar homes?

Knowledge is power, and in this case, a power-saving: a US business called OPower (now owned by Oracle) found households could cut their energy bill by 3% - just by seeing how their consumption compared with their neighbours. 

Wasted energy makes up 30% of the average energy bill - do something about it! Get more from your smart meter with Loop.

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This saving is based on the idea that knowing what peers are doing can lead to behavioural change. Another example is the messaging used in hotel rooms to encourage guests to reuse towels; psychologists have shown that if guests were informed others had reused towels, then they were far more likely to do so themselves.

See How You Compare

So, if you know your home energy consumption, compare it with people in households like yours in the table below and start saving!

Property Type Number of Bedrooms Number of Occupants Average Annual Gas Consumption (kWh) Average Annual Electricity Consumption (kWh) Average Annual Bill Potential Annual Savings from Reducing Consumption by 3%
1 1 3770 1961 £864.83 £19.35
1 2 5983 2397 £1,083.59 £25.92
2 1 5485 2227 £1,018.29 £23.96
2 2 6226 2897 £1,208.71 £29.67
1 1 7230 3036 £1,294.81 £32.25
2 1 6867 2270 £1,103.64 £26.52
2 2 8202 3051 £1,351.43 £33.95
2 3 9335 3977 £1,620.57 £42.02
2 4 8692 3737 £1,531.67 £39.36
3 1 7522 2331 £1,153.17 £28.00
3 2 10267 3595 £1,586.23 £40.99
3 3 10891 4268 £1,770.90 £46.53
3 4 10910 4663 £1,860.27 £49.22
3 5 10780 5535 £2,048.12 £54.85
4 1 10187 3058 £1,461.77 £37.26
4 2 12884 4288 £1,884.59 £49.95
4 3 13747 4966 £2,083.49 £55.91
4 4 13635 5419 £2,178.64 £58.77
4 5 14854 6887 £2,573.68 £70.62
5 2 19117 5433 £2,482.18 £67.87
5 3 19282 6058 £2,630.97 £72.34
5 4 19869 6817 £2,832.85 £78.39
5 5 19188 7432 £2,933.05 £81.40

Table data used with permission from Loop users and converted to annual costs based on the following prices: gas standing charge 31.41 p/day and unit cost 5.48 p/kWh; electricity standing charge 60.12 p/day and unit cost 22.36 p/kWh. All figures are for households with electricity and gas supplies.

This guide should help indicate neighbours’ energy prices, but the best thing to do to ensure you aren’t over-paying is to speak to your neighbours yourself. Our research revealed that 90% of people don't know how their energy bill compares to their neighbours, but 51% would find this information useful. 

Having these conversations can encourage us to share cost-saving tips and be more aware of our use, especially if we know how much a neighbour in the same property and family size is spending.

Once you're armed with this information, using a free energy-saving app like Loop can keep you on track with your usage. Don't just keep up with your neighbours, beat them!


About The Author

Steve Buckley is in charge of product direction at Loop and has been with Loop since it was founded. He has a background in statistics and data science and has worked at multiple successful startups. 

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Cut Your Energy Bill With Loop

Loop is a FREE energy-saving app that links to your smart meter, analyses your energy use and shows you easy ways to save. On average, Loop users cut their energy use by 15%! How much could you save?

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