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Clickbait Solar Deals: The 5 red flags you should avoid

With the growing concern over energy prices and the pressing need to combat climate change, many UK...

Green fingers: energy saving in the garden

Creating an energy-efficient home isn’t just about thinking about what's on the inside - it’s also...

How much is your hot tub costing you?

Many of us will be enjoying the warm weather outdoors in our gardens this summer, and for those...

Spring Energy-Saving Tips: Don’t be an over-heater

As spring brings lighter evenings and warmer weather, it's a good time to rethink your home energy...

Save over £500 this year just by turning things off!

After April's energy price cap increase and with the prospect of another rise in October this year,...

Going on holiday? An energy-saving checklist

If you’re about to head away for a long holiday, you certainly don’t want to be fretting about your...

How monitoring electricity use can save you money

How much energy are you using in your home right now? Perhaps the washing machine is on. There are...

Heat pumps: will they replace gas in people's homes?

"The heating of our homes will need to be virtually zero carbon by 2050, replacing natural gas and...

No, electric cars aren't bad for the environment

Electric vehicles regularly come under fire from critics. Whether it’s concerns about their range,...

Can I fuel my electric car for free?

The simple answer is yes, you can charge your electric car for free.

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