Posts about

phantom load

Phantom Load: Understanding your hidden energy costs

You use the remote to turn off the television, flick the light switch off and head to bed. All is...

How to Spring-Clean Your Home Energy Use

With the start of spring and the clocks going forward, lighter evenings and warmer weather are...

Save over £500 this year just by turning things off!

After April's energy price cap increase and with the prospect of another rise in October this year,...

How monitoring electricity use can save you money

How much energy are you using in your home right now? Perhaps the washing machine is on. There are...

5 home energy mistakes you're probably making - and how to take control

It’s time to wrestle back control and stop wasting energy in your home. Many people won’t need to...

Energy guzzlers at home: the biggest electricity consumers

You might snap up 2-for-1 deals and quibble over a few pence’ difference when comparing products in...

Save £140+ on your energy bills by following this simple trick

Saving money on energy in your home needn’t be complicated. In fact, homeowners and renters could...

Get, set, go... 5 energy saving measures you can take in 5 minutes

For every eco-hero with the perfect energy efficient home, there are many other mere mortals who’d...

Energy efficiency in older homes

Many people enjoy living in an older property, loaded with history and charm. But there’s a price...

10 energy-saving tips you might not have thought of

Creating a more energy efficient home, with lower energy bills, doesn’t mean turning the thermostat...

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