Posts about

money saving

How to save energy this Christmas

In the past, if you made a big effort to save energy at Christmas – or cut back on consumption in...

Your Energy Bill Guide: What are Standing Charges?

Many households in the UK were relieved when the price cap was lowered in September. But, energy...

LED lights: save energy and join the ‘revolution’

If you're keen to improve your home's energy efficiency, swapping out your traditional incandescent...

Autumn Energy Saving Checklist: Prepare Your Home for Cosy and Cost-Effective Living

During the warmer months, energy saving comes naturally. Not needing to turn the heating on and...

How much is your hot tub costing you?

Many of us will be enjoying the warm weather outdoors in our gardens this summer, and for those...

Spring Energy-Saving Tips: Don’t be an over-heater

As spring brings lighter evenings and warmer weather, it's a good time to rethink your home energy...

Should you get a smart meter? Here are the pros and cons

It’s not compulsory at the moment to get a smart meter, but with government targets closing in –...

Struggling to pay your energy bills? How to get help

With changes to the the Energy Price Guarantee likely to mean energy bills for an average household...

6 ways to reduce your gas usage this winter

An average UK home uses 80% of its gas for heating. That's £1,000 a year at Winter 2022's prices....

Festive Chills: how much will extra fridges cost you to run this Christmas?

It’s that time of the year again. On come the Christmas lights, up goes the tree and decorations,...

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