Posts about

long read

The economics of solar

Having solar installed is a big step. Or is it? It’s probably cheaper and easier than you think,...

Solar Surgery: Solving Common Solar Panel Myths

Could you be letting outdated opinions overshadow the potential of solar energy? It's time to shed...

Get energy-smart with Loop: If you measure it, you can control it

Do you measure how much energy you’re using at home? If you don't, then you won't know which...

Phantom Load: Understanding your hidden energy costs

You use the remote to turn off the television, flick the light switch off and head to bed. All is...

The Case for Stand-Alone Home Batteries: Beyond Solar Dependency

In the rapidly evolving landscape of renewable energy and sustainable living, stand-alone home...

Demystifying Green Jargon: Understanding Key Climate Terms

In our daily conversations, we often throw around terms like 'carbon footprint', 'net-zero', or...

How to Reduce Your Cooking Costs: Tips to Improve Your Kitchen Efficiency

Step into your kitchen, a bustling hub of activity where energy consumption often runs high. From...

Make your home energy efficient before the cold sets in

As the days get shorter and colder, your home energy use will start to creep higher. Now the clocks...

Introducing EcoMeter: A new tool to reduce your carbon footprint

We're in a climate emergency, and it’s time to take matters into our own hands. There's a lot we...

Turn Down and Save - James’ Experience

From November 2022 to March 2023, Loop ran a series of Turn Down and Save events. Loop customers...

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