Posts about

energy saving

How monitoring electricity use can save you money

How much energy are you using in your home right now? Perhaps the washing machine is on. There are...

How to find out which appliances are costing you the most - there might be some surprises!

The average home electricity bill in the UK last year was £679. If you paid that sort of energy...

When to turn your heating on and other heating tips

If there’s one sure sign that marks the end of summer and the start of the colder parts of the...

Freebies to help you be more energy efficient

Creating a more energy efficient home needn’t cost a fortune. In fact, there are plenty of freebies...

How much does my TV cost to use?

Feet up, television on.

5 home energy mistakes you're probably making - and how to take control

It’s time to wrestle back control and stop wasting energy in your home. Many people won’t need to...

Quiz: are you wasting money on home energy?

It’s all too easy to waste energy - and money - in the home.

Passivhaus and the quest for a truly energy efficient home

If you’re setting out to build a low-energy home, but don’t believe that the standard Building...

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