Posts about

energy tips

Deck the Halls: What's the Running Cost of Your Christmas Decorations?

Every December (or perhaps November!) many of us start the annual task of decorating our homes in...

Make Your Home Energy Efficient Before the Cold Sets In

As the days get shorter and colder, your home energy use will start to creep higher. Now the clocks...

Autumn Energy Saving Checklist: Prepare Your Home for Cosy and Cost-Effective Living

During the warmer months, energy saving comes naturally. Not needing to turn the heating on and...

How Financial Anxiety Stops Us From Tackling Energy Bills

In today’s economic climate, energy bills have become a major source of financial stress. With...

Home Energy Jargon: A-Z

If you want to take better control of your home energy – whether by learning more about solar...

Unlocking Green Tech Grants and Schemes

In the race to reduce carbon emissions and combat rising energy costs, several government-backed...

Grants and Schemes to Help You Pay Your Energy Bills

As energy prices rise, many households are feeling the pinch. Luckily, there are various grants and...

How to Read Your Energy Bill

We all want to save money on our energy bills, especially with prices on the rise. But before you...

From Small Changes to Big Savings: Real Stories from Loop Users

At Loop, we’re dedicated to making energy easy. Our innovative tools are designed to help you save...

Get Energy-Smart With Loop: If You Measure It, You Can Control it

Do you measure how much energy you’re using at home? If you don't, then you won't know which...

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