The Environmental Impact of ChatGPT

Lately, our social feeds have been buzzing with discussions about the environmental impact of AI....

Living Beyond Our Means: What is Earth Overshoot Day?

Imagine maxing out your credit card months before the year ends—that’s what we do to Earth’s...

The Power of One: Why Individual Eco Actions Really Matter

Why bother swapping my annual holiday flights for a train if the wealthy and famous fly around in...

Get Energy-Smart With Loop: If You Measure It, You Can Control it

Do you measure how much energy you’re using at home? If you don't, then you won't know which...

Energy Saving Advice - Part 3: Big Energy Savers

If you're looking to save big on your energy bills, there are some larger long-term investments you...

Energy Saving Advice - Part 2: Appliance Efficiency

When it comes to using your appliances more efficiently, a good place to start is by understanding...

Energy Saving Advice - Part 1: Low Effort, High Reward Actions

Improving your home's energy efficiency is more crucial than ever with the climate emergency and...

Phantom Load: Understanding Your Hidden Energy Costs

You use the remote to turn off the television, flick the light switch off and head to bed. All is...

What is the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS)?

If you’re delving into the world of renewable energy and exploring solar panel installations,...

The Smart Export Guarantee Explained

If you’re considering installing solar panels at home, and want to make them as cost-effective as...

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