Posts about

energy advice

Harnessing the power of the sun: How Loop helped the Murrays on their solar journey

In this solar case study, we delve into the journey of the Murrays*, a retired couple from...

Energy Saving Advice - Part 3: Big Energy Savers

If you're looking to save big on your energy bills, there are some larger long-term investments you...

Energy Saving Advice - Part 2: Appliance Efficiency

When it comes to using your appliances more efficiently, a good place to start is by understanding...

Energy Saving Advice - Part 1: Low Effort, High Reward Actions

Improving your home's energy efficiency is more crucial than ever with the climate emergency and...

Running Appliances on Eco-Mode: How to Unlock Savings

Are your appliances switched to eco-mode? If not, you’re paying over the odds every time you use...

How to Reduce Your Cooking Costs: Tips to Improve Your Kitchen Efficiency

Step into your kitchen, a bustling hub of activity where energy consumption often runs high. From...

Mastering Home Insulation: Spend Less on Heating

As winter rolls in, keeping your home warm becomes a top priority. Especially as households will be...

Your Energy Bill Guide: What are Standing Charges?

Many households in the UK were relieved when the price cap was lowered in September. But, energy...

Autumn Energy Saving Checklist: Prepare Your Home for Cosy and Cost-Effective Living

During the warmer months, energy saving comes naturally. Not needing to turn the heating on and...

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