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Rise and shine: this is your energy efficient morning

Written by The Loop Team | Dec 12, 2019


Yawn. Big stretch. It’s time to get up.

You sling on your dressing gown and open the curtains in your room to let the warm sunshine in. You’ll soon do the same with all of the other curtains and blinds in your home.

It’s just one of many little, quick things you effortlessly do in the course of your morning routine that all adds up to reduce your home’s energy consumption.


You head to the bathroom. Using an electric toothbrush doesn’t trouble you - charging it only costs about 39p a year. Unlike a third (33%) of the UK population, you don’t leave the tap on while you’re brushing though, otherwise during that two minutes you could waste over 12 litres of water.


Time for a shower. Lovely, now you feel more human. As you have a water efficient shower head, you’re saving as much as £70 a year on gas for water heating. You’ve got one of those free little timers online too – it looks like a tiny egg-timer – meaning you stick to four minutes. After all, every minute less spent day-dreaming in the shower is a £10 annual energy saving.

As you get yourself ready, you check your phone. You had put it on to charge before going to bed. But you’re using it with a smart plug, which stops the electricity flow once the battery is fully charged – otherwise it would sap energy all night long.


Time for breakfast and that all-important first coffee of the day. You only fill the kettle with the amount of water you need - it’s only a saving of around £6 a year, but you’ll take that.


Urgh - last night’s washing up. But you know that your dishwasher, which is fairly modern, uses less energy than washing dishes by hand. You stack the dishes properly and put your machine on an eco-setting.


A couple more jobs before you can head out of the door for work. You turn on the washing machine. When it needs replacing you’ll buy the most energy efficient model available, with an A+++ rating, but for now, you’re doing all you can by only running it with a full load and usually at 30 degrees or lower.

You plan ahead and get tonight’s dinner out of the freezer. As well as halving the cooking time, you’re saving on energy that would be used to defrost the meal in your microwave.

As you put on your shoes, you glance at the radio and TV to make sure you haven’t left them on standby. You’re not going to fall into the ‘phantom load’ trap - wasting energy from leaving devices on standby can cost £30 per year.

You don’t worry about your heating as you step out the door. Your smart thermostat uses sensors and your smartphone’s location to know when you've left home and then switches your heating off automatically.


Off to work. You feel good. You’ve not really given energy efficiency much thought this morning - you just know you’re doing the simple things that make a difference.

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