If you're keen to improve your home's energy efficiency, swapping out your traditional incandescent or halogen bulbs for super-efficient LED lights should be high on your to-do list.
A Loop survey revealed that a third of households are missing out on potential savings by not making the swap to LED's .
They cost as little as £1, are far more efficient than the alternatives - they use 90% less energy - and all you need to do is change a lightbulb!
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The first important thing to know is that LED, or light-emitting diode, lighting is an evolving technology. In the past, some people have dismissed LED lights for being overly expensive or not powerful enough, but they now offer comparable or better light quality than traditional bulbs and are getting cheaper all the time.
Part of their appeal is that they’re long-lasting. Some of today’s LED light bulbs claim a lifespan of as much as 25-30 years. They’re also more durable than other bulbs, as they aren’t made of glass and don’t have a filament.
They’re also compact, easily maintained, and can focus the light in a single direction – ideal for under-cabinet kitchen lighting, for example.
Quality LED lights cost more than other types of lighting, but it’s a price worth paying. Lighting makes up 11% of a typical household's electricity bill. Don't wait until your traditional bulbs stop working, you could save £40 a year if you swapped the bulbs in your home. Our survey discovered that 32% of households are facing higher bills by waiting for old halogen bulbs to fail before switching.
An LED’s longer lifespan means fewer need to be produced, so the emissions and pollution associated with the production and distribution are lower. Their production doesn’t involve mercury, unlike compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), another type of energy-efficient light that pre-dates LEDs.
In the past, one of the problems people have found with LED lights is that they can flicker if the electrical current doesn’t remain constant. However, this is often because they’re being used with old dimmer switches which were designed for incandescent light bulbs. There are now dimmable LED bulbs available, so opt for one of these instead.
In our survey, 30% hadn't made the swap due to LED confusion, admitting they didn't know which to choose or where to buy.
While you should definitely swap out your traditional bulbs for LEDs, before you do, it's worth considering all the options as not all LEDs are the same. Consider if you are prepared to pay a little extra for a long lifespan and cheaper running costs. Or, whether you want the extra flexibility of being connected. Here are the options:
LED's aren’t just used to light up homes. They’ve become standard in mobile phones, televisions, and computer monitors.
They also have some unusual uses: some fridges contain blue LED lighting as it helps fruit and vegetables stay fresher for longer, and a special type of LED lighting is even being used to disinfect germs in hospitals.
Some scientists say this is just the start and that, thanks to LED lighting, “a revolution in energy-efficient, environmentally-sound, and powerfully-flexible lighting is coming to businesses and homes”.
Tips to Use Your Lighting Efficiently
So, if you’re considering how to cut energy use in your home – and beyond – LEDs are a good place to start.
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