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Debunking Smart Meter Myths: The Truth About Smart Meters

Written by The Loop Team | May 15, 2024

While smart meters have been hailed as the future of energy management, there's still lingering uncertainty and scepticism surrounding their adoption. Before you have one installed, it’s important to sift through the noise and separate fact from fiction. 

Join us as we debunk common myths and uncover the truth about smart meters, empowering you to make an informed decision about their role in your home.

Wasted energy makes up 30% of the average energy bill - do something about it! Get more from your smart meter with Loop.

Myth #1: You Have to Pay for Installation

Energy providers in the UK are obliged to provide every household with a smart meter at no extra cost. This means you won't be charged for the installation of your smart meter or the in-home display (IHD) provided.

However, costs for the smart meter rollout and maintenance are paid for by the standing charges on our energy bills, meaning we are all indirectly paying for this service. This is the same for all meters - both smart and traditional. 

With no cost for the installation or the IHD, having a smart meter is also a great way to get hold of a free bit of tech. Pair it with Loop, and you'll unlock a plethora of benefits you wouldn't want to miss out on! Keep tabs on your usage to stay informed about consumption and costs, gain access to valuable insights such as daily vs. weekly expenditures, compare your usage with other households, experiment with solar possibilities for your home, and much more—all at zero cost!

Myth #2: You Have to Have a Smart Meter Installed

You don’t have to accept a smart meter from your energy supplier if you’re offered one. However, without a smart meter, you’ll be missing out on some great benefits. 

  • Access a wider selection of energy tariffs. This includes specific tariffs for EV users, those with solar panels, and some of the cheapest deals on the market.
  • No more monthly meter readings. Readings are sent straight from your smart meter to your supplier without any intervention required from you!
  • Get accurate bills. With a smart meter, you’ll avoid any estimated bills and will always be billed for only what you use.
  • See the energy you're using in real time. It may sound simple, but seeing what you’re using and how much it’s costing you can cut the amount of energy you use.


Myth #3: If You Rent, You Can’t Have a Smart Meter

Whether you rent or own your home does not determine if a smart meter can be installed. The utility company owns the meter, so as long as the homeowner or property manager approves it, renters can have smart meters too.

You can request a smart meter if you rent a property and energy bills are in your name. If bills are included in the rent, it’s recommended that you let your landlord know that you are changing the meter.

Myth #4: You Can Get Cut Off with a Smart Meter

Like all technology, things can go wrong. However, rest assured that if you do get a technical fault and your smart meter can no longer give automatic readings, then you can go back to giving manual readings until it’s fixed. 

Smart meters can’t automatically cut off your power. Only your energy supplier can do this, and as with traditional meters, it is only under very specific circumstances.

Myth #5: You'll Pay More with a Smart Meter

Smart meters measure your electricity usage more precisely than traditional energy meters. The automatic tracking of your energy consumption means your energy bills will only be more accurate, as you’re no longer giving estimates. They don’t increase your energy consumption or cause higher bills by themselves. 

Used in conjunction with monitoring apps, like the free Loop app, smart meters can help households better understand and manage their energy use to save money.

Myth #6: You Need Strong WIFI to Have a Smart Meter

Smart meters don’t use the internet to communicate - you benefit whether you have WIFI or not. They won’t interrupt your WIFI network either or interfere with other home appliances. 

They use their own secure network that wirelessly sends usage readings to your in-home display (IHD) and your energy supplier. They work in much the same way that mobile phones do.

Myth #7: Smart Meters Don’t Save Money

Smart meters can be a helpful starting point for anyone seeking to improve their energy efficiency and save money. However, a smart meter won't save you money on its own, it's just an energy monitor. 

If you want personalised insights and greater support for your energy-saving ambitions, linking your smart meter to a free energy-saving app like Loop is the next step.


Myth #8: Smart Meters Aren’t Good for the Environment

While installing a smart meter alone won't directly decrease carbon emissions, it plays a vital role in advancing towards a smarter grid. A smarter grid paves the way for accelerated adoption of electric vehicles, electric heating, and smart appliances—all fueled by cleaner, greener electricity.

Smart meters are integral to shaping the future of home energy management. By providing enhanced visibility into your energy consumption, they empower you to identify areas for reduction. This, in turn, fosters positive energy-saving habits and reduces your household's carbon footprint.

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