From Small Changes to Big Savings: Real Stories from Loop Users
All figures and calculations are correct at the time of publication.

From Small Changes to Big Savings: Real Stories from Loop Users

At Loop, we’re dedicated to making energy easy. Our innovative tools are designed to help you save energy, cut your bills, and reduce your carbon footprint—all with ease. But it's our users who truly bring this vision to life.

Thanks to Loop's features, they’re making small, sustainable changes that lead to big results. On average, Loop users reduce their energy use by 15% and cut their carbon footprint by 250kg CO2e. Together, they’ve saved over £200k in our Turn Down and Save events!

Whether it’s reducing energy bills, installing green technology, or participating in community-wide initiatives, our users are proving how easy it can be to take control of your energy with Loop.

Wasted energy makes up 30% of the average energy bill - do something about it! Get more from your smart meter with Loop.

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Cutting Energy Use by 15% or More - It’s Possible!

While cutting your energy use by 15% might sound ambitious, our average user achieves exactly that! And for some, the savings are even more remarkable. By tracking, adjusting, and optimising their energy habits with the help of the Loop app, they’re able to make energy efficiency part of their daily routine. 

We're excited to share some real stories from our users that show how small changes can make a big difference.


Sharpen Up Your Energy Efficiency

Jack’s Story:
For Jack, saving energy wasn’t just about small adjustments, but also embracing innovative solutions. Using Loop’s detailed energy-tracking features, he started with simple changes like using wi-fi-controlled lighting to ensure lights were only on when needed. Next, Jack took more proactive steps, installing loft seals to combat draughts that were silently driving up his heating bills. With these measures in place, he saw a staggering 32% reduction in his electricity consumption!

How Loop Helped:
Jack credits the app’s Track page for enabling him to stay on top of his energy usage. It allowed him to pinpoint exactly where energy was being wasted and make targeted improvements. Loop’s ability to track both energy costs and usage, gave Jack the insight to take control of his consumption and make smarter choices.

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Use Your Energy Data to Make Better Decisions

Callum’s Story:
Callum used Loop to gain deeper insights into his energy habits, and the results speak for themselves. By analysing his usage data, Callum identified key areas where he could cut back, starting with replacing old, inefficient halogen bulbs with modern, super-efficient LEDs. He also made the switch to an air fryer, significantly reducing the amount of energy consumed by his oven. On top of that, he got rid of unnecessary security lights that were wasting energy overnight. These seemingly small tweaks resulted in a whopping £40 reduction on his energy bill each month!

How Loop Helped:
The Loop app allowed Callum to visualise his energy consumption in a simple, digestible way. The insights from his energy data empowered him to make precise changes that targeted high-consumption appliances and activities. Thanks to Loop, he now has a solid understanding of where his money is going—and how to keep more of it in his pocket.


Test Out How Solar Could Work for You

Joe and Linda’s Story:
Joe and Linda were curious about solar energy but unsure whether it would work for them. That’s where Loop’s Solar Simulator came in handy. After seeing the potential savings for their household, they decided to take the plunge and install solar panels on their roof. Today, their solar energy powers much of their household’s consumption, and they're even considering other green measures to further reduce their carbon footprint.

How Loop Helped:
Loop’s Solar Simulator provided Joe and Linda with the confidence they needed to make a long-term investment. By offering tailored predictions on energy generation and savings, the tool demystified the impact of having solar panels, allowing them to make an informed decision. Now, solar energy is an integral part of their lifestyle.

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Tracking Your Progress

The Miller Family’s Story:
For the Millers, home insulation was an investment they hoped would pay off, but they didn’t expect the results to be so dramatic. After adding external wall insulation to their home, they turned to Loop to track the impact on their gas consumption. Over the next five months, the family saw their gas usage plummet by an impressive 58%! The savings added up quickly, reducing their heating bill by £320.

How Loop Helped:
The Miller family used Loop’s tracking tools to compare their gas usage before and after improving their insulation. This visual feedback showed them exactly how their investment was paying off, both in terms of energy savings and reduced bills. Seeing their progress laid out clearly gave them peace of mind that their improvements were making a real difference.


The Power of Collective Action

James’ Story:
When James signed up for Loop’s Turn Down and Save events, he wasn’t just thinking about his own energy bills - he saw it as an opportunity to teach the next generation about energy conservation. As foster parents, James and his wife used the Turn Down and Save events as a hands-on learning experience for their children. Together, they explored creative ways to reduce energy consumption during peak times, from switching off electronics to adjusting their thermostat.

How Loop Helped:
The Turn Down and Save scheme encourages collective action by offering rewards to users who reduce their energy use during peak times. James found the program both financially rewarding and educational for his family, as it introduced them to new ways of thinking about energy use.


Join In and Start Saving!

Reducing your energy usage is something everyone can achieve with the right tools. Whether you’re aiming to boost your efficiency or invest in larger green solutions like solar panels, Loop is here to guide you every step of the way.

Loop isn’t just an app—it’s your gateway to a more sustainable lifestyle that benefits both your energy bills and carbon footprint. Our users show that with the right tools and a commitment to small changes, anyone can make a big impact!

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Cut Your Energy Bill With Loop

Loop is a FREE energy-saving app that links to your smart meter, analyses your energy use and shows you easy ways to save. On average, Loop users cut their energy use by 15%! How much could you save?

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