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Power to the people: communities working together for better energy use

It’s power to the people: across the UK, individuals, communities, cities and local authorities are...

Box-set binge tonight? You'd be shocked by the environmental impact

Conscious of helping the environment, you may have started taking fewer flights and even avoid...

Not just solar: renewable ways to power your home

Homeowners who want to have less of an impact on the environment - and save money to boot - can...

Carbon removal: what it is and why it's so important

Most people now understand the need to cut down on emissions of greenhouse gases in order to help...

Is your heating powered by gas? That's going to change

Everyone now realises that they need to cut back on plastic use, drive their car less and take...

Home energy batteries: what are they and who needs them?

If you have solar panels then you can be proud that you’re generating your own renewable energy and...

Electric cars: what if you don't have a driveway?

Sometimes, however hard you try to reduce your impact on the environment, other concerns – whether...

The house in a lab at the forefront of energy efficiency

It’s a regular two-up two-down of the kind you might find in any town or city in England, full of...

Why it isn't always easy being green

You want to reduce your impact on the environment. But sometimes, as an individual, this can seem...

The future of energy: from smart homes to virtual power plants

You find the best electricity tariff that you can and then leave the rest to your energy supplier,...

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