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Why home workers and solar are a match made in heaven

Adding solar panels to your home is a fantastic way to generate your own green energy and reduce...

Q&A: Do solar panels affect the value of your home?

If you install solar panels, will it affect the value of your home when you come to sell? Do solar...

Do solar panels work in the winter?

Yes, they do! Solar panels do work in winter.

The benefits of generating your own solar power

Solar is the most common source of renewable energy, and solar panels are now a common sight on...

Power to the people: communities working together for better energy use

It’s power to the people: across the UK, individuals, communities, cities and local authorities are...

How do solar panels work?

If you want to generate your own renewable energy at home, then you’re likely to start with solar...

Considering solar panels? Get to grips with SEG, the Smart Export Guarantee

If you’re considering having solar panels installed at home, and want to make them as...

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