Posts about

long read

Here's how you could save more than £200 on your energy bills

Are you one of the 11 million in the UK who are on a super-expensive default energy tariff?

Is underfloor heating worth it?

Underfloor heating is toasty-warm to walk on, means you don't need to fill your rooms with...

Are attitudes and opinions to climate change changing?

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected almost every aspect of people’s lives. But as well as changing...

Just 10 years ago renewable energy was hardly used - what's changed?

Last year was the cleanest year on record for UK energy generation, and in four out of 12 months...

Planning to switch energy tariff? These are the best suppliers

If you think your energy supplier is too expensive or they palm you off with awful customer...

Stuck at home: take control of your energy bills

TV blaring, lights blazing, computer screens glowing... just imagine the size of your energy bill...

The power of one: why individual eco actions really matter

Why bother swapping my annual holiday flights for a train if the wealthy and famous fly around in...

Can I use an electric car without owning one?

Making the switch from a diesel or petrol car to an electric vehicle (EV) can seem a bit daunting...

The cities taking action against gas guzzlers

Next time you plan to drive into a city centre, you might need to do your homework first and find...

Home energy jargon: A-Z

If you want to take better control of your home energy – whether by switching to a better tariff or...

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