Posts about

energy saving

Is underfloor heating worth it?

Underfloor heating is toasty-warm to walk on, means you don't need to fill your rooms with...

Stuck at home: take control of your energy bills

TV blaring, lights blazing, computer screens glowing... just imagine the size of your energy bill...

Soon, new homes will be much more energy efficient

Our homes, new and old, account for 20% of greenhouse gas emissions in the UK.

How green is my washing machine? Using energy efficiency ratings

If you buy a new fridge, washing machine or other home appliance, you’ll see they have nice, clear...

Make your office green: tips to use less energy

Once you’ve taken some steps to cut your energy use at home, you might turn your attention to your...

Household energy efficiency: incentives and grants to consider

Making your household more energy efficient and green can save you money and reduce your...

Energy Performance Certificates: what are EPCs and how do you use them?

An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is a great starting point for understanding and improving a...

The house in a lab at the forefront of energy efficiency

It’s a regular two-up two-down of the kind you might find in any town or city in England, full of...

Moving house? How to avoid expensive energy bills in your new home

A garden, plenty of parking and friendly neighbours are normally among must-have features sought...

Get, set, go... 5 energy saving measures you can take in 5 minutes

For every eco-hero with the perfect energy efficient home, there are many other mere mortals who’d...

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